About Insurance Setup

Insurance in QSIDental Web has two components, the carrier information and the plan information, which is typically specific to an employer.While much of the carrier information, contact, and claim information is included, plan information will need to be added by the practice.

The Setup menu offers a number of options for insurance setup, all collected under the Insurance section. These options include:

  • Insurance Plans: A plan that has a specific carrier and a specific set of benefits.
  • Custom Coverage: Coverage amounts that relate to a specific set of codes. Work with a project manager to make changes to this information.
  • Dental Carriers: Contact and claim information for dental carrier.
  • Medical Carriers: The contact and claim information for a specific medical carrier.
  • Employers: The employers connected to plans.
  • Reason Code Set: The set of reasons associated and reason codes in use by a particular carrier to define adjustments in processed claims.
  • ERA Profile: Establishes the rule sets used by the carrier for processing and payments.