Outgoing Referrals
You can view the general and detailed information about outgoing patient referrals.
Click the Outgoing Referrals tab to view the different types of
outgoing referrals.
For details about the columns, including available filters and sorts, see Fields on the Incoming and Outgoing Referrals Tabs.
The Outgoing Referrals window has the following filters selected by
- By Provider
- By Specialty
- To Office
- Status : New Referrals
- Status : Accepted Referrals
- Status : In Progress Referrals
Clicking the Pat ID link opens the Patient Overview window that displays the patient's details.
Clicking the Date link of a referral opens the Patient
Referral (Details) window that displays details about the specified
The Referral Info tab displays information about the patient's referral such as referral provider and reason for referral.
The Shared Data tab displays details shared between the providers
related to the patient's referral such as treatment plans, medical alerts, periodontal
details, and patient x-ray. You can make changes to a new referral by clicking
Edit. For more information,see Edit Referrals. You can delete
a new referral by clicking Delete. For more information, see
Note: When a user creates a new referral, all medical alerts
associated to the patient will be included in the referral. By default the alerts
tab will display all the medical alerts. Alerts removed or edited in the
Medical History window will no longer be seen in the
Patient Referral window.