Getting Oriented in the Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler is launched from the Utilities menu or from the toolbar icon and will occupy the main QSIDental Web window.
After launching, there are three main components to the window:
  • Toolbar
  • Task Panels
  • Schedule View - Day, Week, Month

Toolbar Icons

: Toggle the View. By default the user view is selected and only the tasks created by the logged on user will display. Uncheck the box to display all tasks for all users. Check the boxes to filter for tasks scheduled with a specific interval.

: Show or Hide the Task Panel

: .Add a new task to the schedule

: Jump to today's date

: Go to a specific date

: Move backward or forward one time period. If the view is monthly, the view will move by one month.If the view is weekly, the view will move one week.

: Change the view to a day, week, or month.

Task Panels

The Task Panels display a summary of tasks. There are three panels available:

  • Scheduled Tasks for Today: List of tasks scheduled to be performed today across the entire enterprise.(Blue)
  • Successful Tasks: List of tasks that were successfully performed as scheduled over the last 10 days for the entire practice. (Green)
  • Unsuccessful Tasks: List of tasks that were not able to be performed within the entire practice over the last 10 days. (Red)

Schedule View

The Schedule View displays all active tasks for the selected time period and view in a calendar type format, placing the tasks appropriately within the time frame. Each scheduled task included in the view and is named and color-coded according to the initial setup of the task.
  1. Within this schedule view, some information about the task is visible, including the task name and timing.
  2. Click a time slot to add a new task.
  3. Click an existing task to edit or delete it.
  4. Some symbols may be visible.

    : The task was unsuccessful. Click it to display a popup containing the reason the task could not be performed

    : The task was completed successfully.

    : Indicates the task is recurring (repeating).