Graphical Chart

The graphical Tooth Chart illustrates any conditions, as well as existing, planned and completed treatments. Based on the practice setup, these treatments are color coded and have a specific visual appearance (draw types) for easy identification within the chart.

The charting represents the International system, the most universally popular method of tooth identification. Numbering begins in the maxillary right section of the mouth, going toward the maxillary left, and represents 16 teeth in the maxillary arch. Numbering continues in the mandibular left section of the mouth, going toward the mandibular right, and represents an additional 16 teeth in the mandibular arch.

The international system differs from another system—the Palmer system—wherein the teeth are viewed in a reversed orientation.

The displayed dentition is determined based on the patient’s age; therefore it is important to enter the correct birth date prior to opening the chart.

Click the Legend button to see how treatments will be drawn on the Tooth Chart.