To complete the process, checks that have been deposited and can be directly tied to a claim in QSIDental Web need to be posted to the patients’ accounts. Those checks that cannot be tied to a claim, called unresolved payments, must be reviewed and managed. Claims that are missing payments need to be researched.
To determine which checks have been deposited, a bank file containing deposit information must be loaded into QSIDental Web. This .csv file comes directly from the bank and provides the important information about when and how payments have been received. Please contact a QSIDental support representative for more details.
Posting payments to patient accounts can be accomplished via the Batch Insurance Payments-835 module or using the 835 Auto Posting task in the Task Scheduler. When using this automated tool, payments and applicable adjustments will be automatically posted into the patients’ ledgers based on established settings and a summary report delivered to the user. (See Task Scheduler for more details)