Outstanding Insurance Claims
The outstanding claims for the carrier or provider will be displayed in the center of the window. The treatments associated with the selected claim display at the bottom.
- Search: If the list of claims is extensive, locate a specific claim by searching for a specific patient by typing his/her first or last name and clicking the Search button. Restore the full list of claims by clicking the Show All button.
- Sort: Arrange the list of claims by selecting an option from the Sort By dropdown. Options include Date of Service, Claim Sent Date and Patient Name.
- DOS Date: Date of Service.
- Sent Date: Date the claim was sent
- Patient: Name of the patient associated with the claim.
- Patient DOB: The birthdate of the patient associated with the claim.
- Subscriber: The name of the insurance subscriber. This is not necessarily the name of the patient.
- Carrier: The name of the insurance plan carrier from whom payment is expected.
- Type: Type of insurance –Dental or Medical.
- Office: The office that originated the claim.
- Bill: Billing Order
- D: Primary Dental
- DD: Primary and Secondary Dental
- M: Medical
- Provider: The provider that is associated with the claim. The Provider ID is established in the Provider Setup tool.
- Charges: Total charges for the claim
- Est Ins (Estimated Insurance): The estimated portion of the claim to be paid by the insurance carrier.
- Ded Used (Deductible Used): The amount charged toward the patient’s deductible
- Ins Paid (Insurance Paid): The amount paid by the insurance to date for the claim.
- Ins Adj (Insurance Adjustments): The amount of adjustments made to the claim.