Statement Report

The Statement Report is a critical tool for auditing the statement process and ensuring the correct accounts are receiving statements and that the information contained in those statements reflects the account.

Run the statement report by clicking the Print Statement Report button.

The report lists the Accounts/Responsible Parties that would receive statements based on the most recent selection criteria. The report can be reviewed on-screen, saved locally, or printed on paper using the traditional pdf tools. Please note that once a new set of criteria is selected, the report will be replaced with the new summary.

The report lists the accounts slated to receive statements based on the selection criteria and displays:

  • Responsible Party ID (Resp. ID): The ID # set by QSIDental Web to identify the responsible party associated with the account.
  • Responsible Party Name (Resp. Party): The last and first name of the responsible party associated with the account.
  • Last Statement Date (Last Stmt Date): The last date on which the responsible party received a statement through QSIDental Web.
  • Estimated Insurance Portion (Est. Ins): The amount of the balance the patient’s insurance provider is expected to pay.
  • Estimated Patient Portion (Est. Pat): The amount of the balance the patient is expected to pay.
  • Statement Balance (Stmt Bal.): The total balance (Insurance plus Patient) that will be shown on the statement.

A user can use the Statement Report to audit the statement criteria to ensure the accounts listed should receive statements and identify any accounts that might need adjustments prior to receiving statements.

For example, when reviewing the Statement Report, the user notices that a responsible party is shown as receiving a statement when that account has just been passed to collections.The user would confirm that the Sent to Collections check box is set in the Responsible Party screen or that the proper checkboxes are selected to exclude accounts in collections.

As another example, when reviewing the Statement Report, the user notices that a responsible party is shown as having a $2000 credit. Upon examining the account, the user notices the patient payment was input incorrectly.