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Enter Data in the Meaningful Use Module

Data for the specific encounter (appointment) must be logged each time for the patient. This information is completed in the Meaningful Use module. All required fields are indicated by a red asterisk.

To enter data:

  1. Click the Meaningful Use icon to launch the module.
  2. Select the Visit Type from the dropdown.
  3. Select the Visit Reason from the dropdown.
  4. Select the Smoking Status from the dropdown.
  5. Select the radio button beside the appropriate Patient Type if required.

    Please note that smoking status entered in a previous encounter will carry forward and need only be changed if the smoking status changes.

  6. Enter the patient's vital signs.

  7. Click the desired checkboxes to indicate information given to the patient. This information may be entered over the course of the appointment.

  8. Check the checkbox beside Clinical Summary Given to Patient if the Patient Summary was/will be printed from the Meaningful Use module and given to the patient.
  9. Check the checkbox beside Patient Education Given if Patient Education materials that were recommended by the software were displayed for or delivered to the patient. This might include flossing instructions or prescription warnings.
  10. Check the checkbox beside Medications Reconciled if the patient's medications and allergies are entered  in the ePrescribing module. 
  11. Check the checkbox beside Summary of Care Received if a summary of care was received from the patient or alternate provider and reconciled with the patient's QSIDental Web record.
  12. Click the No Known Problems checkbox or update the patient's Problem list if required.
  13. Click the Save button when complete. The information for the encounter may be edited over the course of the appointment until the end of the day sweep.

See Also

Meaningful Use Module

Add a Problem

Provide a Clinical Summary