Add Treatment Plan Groups

When planned treatment needs to be structured by urgency, necessity, appointment, or other characteristic, procedures can be grouped.Grouping planned treatment helps to organize and prioritize procedures within the chart or to identify special situations such as pre-authorization or service restrictions.

  1. For consistency and convenience, most practices will establish some preset groups.These preset groups are then available for selection from a dropdown menu when grouping treatments.A checkbox on the Preferences tab of Office setup can be used to require only the use of preset groups.Provided the practice preferences allow it, users may also create their own groups as needed, but the pre-set groups improve consistency and efficiency.
  2. QSIDental Web includes three preset groups:
    • Recommended Treatment
    • Alternative Treatment
    • Referred to Specialist
  3. To add a pre-set Treatment Plan Group for the practice:
  4. Select Treatment Plan Groups from the Setup menu.
  5. Click Add New Group.
  6. Complete the details in the Treatment Plan Group window.
  7. Type the description.
  8. Select the status from the dropdown.
  9. Select the color from the dropdown.
  10. Click Save.