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There are a number of ways to access the ledger. There is a ledger button on the Patient Overview window, an option under the Transaction menu, and, typically, a toolbar icon. Like most QSIDental Web windows, the ledger is headed by the patient information banner. Additionally, the ledger has its own toolbar with detailed charge and payment information.

When you click an entry's date in the ledger, the Edit Treatment window opens. The clinical details of the treatment won't need to be edited, but sometimes the provider, date of service or fee may need to be changed. Most changes must be made prior to submitting a charge or creating a claim. Additionally, changes must be made under the office that created the treatment item. See Edit Ledger Entries for more information.

In This Section

Ledger View Toggle

Getting Oriented in the Ledger

Edit Ledger Entries

See Also

Billing and Claims

Billing and Claims Introduction

Billing and Claims Information Flow

Transaction Entry Module

Add a Procedure in the Transaction Entry module

Exclude Responsible Party from Statement



Payment Plans


Re-Estimate Fees
