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Complete a SmartNote

SmartNotes are setup by the QSIDental Web administrator to represent the most common options available in the practice. Once the notes are set up, they are easy to complete following an exam or procedure. 

To complete a SmartNote:

  1. Select the response for the first prompt by clicking the appropriate choice from the list.

    Once a response is selected, the prompt will automatically advance

  2. Select the response for the next prompt by clicking the appropriate choice from the list.

    Once a response is selected, the prompt will automatically advance

  3. Select the response for each successive prompt by clicking the appropriate choice from the list.
  4. Continue to select responses for each prompt until all prompts are complete. Starred prompts require a response.

  5. Include any additional text if desired.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Type the text as appropriate.

  8. Click Save.
  9. The completed note appears in the chart details section.

See Also
