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Allergies Tab

The Allergies tab contains allergy information about the patient. Allergy information in MDToolbox is critical for customers attesting for meaningful use. Most allergy information will flow from QSIDental Web, but it may be necessary to add a new allergy.

To edit the patient's profile within MDToolbox:

  1. Click the Edit link in the profile window.
  2. Select the Allergies tab.
  3. Click the Add Allergy link to open a new allergy row.

  4. Complete the details for the specific allergy.
  5. Begin typing the name of the allergy.
  6. Select the desired allergy from the list.

  7. Describe the patient's reaction.
  8. Select the Severity Level from the dropdown.
  9. Select the Status from the dropdown if required.

  10. Save the allergy.

See Also

Edit eRx Patient Profile

Pharmacy Tab