Outstanding Insurance Claims
The claims sent for the patient but not yet paid by the carrier. The patient name is displayed for clarity. Click the … button to quickly change patients while remaining in this module.
- DOS Date: Date of Service.
- Sent Date: Date the claim was sent.
- Claim: Primary vs. Secondary insurance.
- Status: The status of the claim.
- Subscriber: The name of the insurance subscriber. This is not necessarily the name of the patient.
- Carrier: The name of the insurance plan carrier from whom payment is expected.
- Type: Type of insurance –Dental or Medical.
- Office: The office that originated the claim.
- Bill: Billing Order
- D: Primary Dental
- DD: Primary and Secondary Dental
- M: Medical
- Provider: The provider that is associated with the claim. The Provider ID is established in the Provider Setup tool.
- Charges: Total charges for the claim.
- Est Ins (Estimated Insurance): The estimated portion of the claim to be paid by the insurance carrier.
- Ded Used (Deductible Used): The amount charged toward the patient’s deductible.
- Ins Paid (Insurance Paid): The amount paid by the insurance to date for the claim.
- Ins Adj (Insurance Adjustments): The amount of adjustments made to the claim.
- Rem Amt (Remaining Amount): The amount remaining to be paid on the claim.