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Process Batch Claims

To process batch claims:

  1. Select Batch Claims Processing from the Utilities menu.

    The Batch Claims window displays.

  2. In the End DOS Date field, select the date that will be the last date of service included in the batch of claims. QSIDental Web will load all of the claims from the last time claims were batched up to and including the selected date.

  3. Click Create Batch Claims.

    The system creates the claims and displays them along with some basic information.

  4. Use the information to double-check the carrier names, billing codes and preauthorizations. Like many of the other summary pages in QSIDental Web, you can jump back to the claim details using the hyperlinked date.
  5. Select the claims to include in the batch using the check boxes in the second column.

  6. To electronically submit the claims, click Transmit Claims.

See Also

Batch Claims

Paper Claims